How to @use/@forward %placeholders and @extend selectors with SASS/SCSS @mixins effectively

Following the SASS documentation there are some hints related when and at which point in a file an @extended selector is inserted:

Extends are resolved after the rest of your stylesheet is compiled. In particular, it happens after parent selectors are resolved.

Because @extend updates style rules that contain the extended selector, their styles have precedence in the cascade based on where the extended selector’s style rules appear, not based on where the @extend appears.

Taking the following SASS/SCSS example code:

.first {
  color: green;

.second {
  @extend %example-placeholder;
  background-color: blue;

.third {
  @extend %example-placeholder;
  background-color: yellow;    

%example-placeholder {
  color: red;

Compiles to CSS output:

.first {
  color: green;

.second {
  background-color: blue;

.third {
  background-color: yellow;

/* @extend rule is inserted at %placeholder position */
.third, .second {
  color: red;

In this example we can influence where in output.css the @extend rules are inserted. We could move the placeholder above the .second class so that the rules appear in that place:

.first {
  color: green;

%example-placeholder {
  color: red;

.second {
  @extend %example-placeholder;
  background-color: blue;

.third {
  @extend %example-placeholder;
  background-color: yellow;    

Compiles to CSS output:

.first {
  color: green;

/* @extend rule is inserted at %placeholder position */
.third, .second {
  color: red;

.second {
  background-color: blue;

.third {
  background-color: yellow;

In this case it is not very usefull, but there may be situations where the order is important.

When I first tried to integrate a %placeholder in my SASS/SCSS library I encountered a problem. Since my library uses the new @use/@forward syntax instead of @import, all contents are divided into files/modules and many @mixins are used.

I first created a separate file for the %placeholder, which I then loaded into the component modules like element/_badge.scss or element/_button.scss.

Sorry that this example may be a bit complex. I have tried to keep it as short as possible.

%generic-placeholder {
  color: red;
@use '../placeholder' as *;

@mixin generate-badge {
  .bdg {
    @extend %generic-placeholder;
    background-color: blue;
@use '../placeholder' as *;

@mixin generate-button {
  .btn {
    @extend %generic-placeholder;
    background-color: yellow;

This mixin generates all modules.

@use '../element' as *;

@mixin generate-modules {
  @font-face {
    /* must come first */

  :root {
    /* must come first */

  @include generate-badge;

  @include generate-button;
/* forward more stuff first */
@forward 'mixin';
@forward 'mixin/module'; 
@forward 'element';

The use of my library:

@use 'shrtcss' as *;
@include generate-modules;

Compiled to CSS output:

/* @extend rule is inserted at top of file */
.bdg, .button {
  color: red;

@font-face {
  /* but I want to load fonts first */

:root {
  /* but I want to load root first */

.bdg {
  background-color: blue;

.button {
  background-color: yellow;

I had no control over where in the stylesheet the @extend rules are inserted. This was confusing. Reading the SASS/SCSS docs stating:

Heads up! ... This can be confusing. ...

Okay. So this was confusing and I had to figure out why.

To regain control we move the %placeholder inside the @mixin generate-modules.

@use '../element' as *;

@mixin generate-modules {
  @font-face {
    /* Must come first */

  :root {
    /* Must come first */

  %generic-placeholder {
    color: red;

  @include generate-badge;

  @include generate-button;

We remove the @use rule from both element files:

@mixin generate-badge {
  .bdg {
    @extend %generic-placeholder;
    background-color: blue;
@mixin generate-button {
  .btn {
    @extend %generic-placeholder;
    background-color: yellow;

And here comes the magic part, compiles to CSS output:

@font-face {
  /* load fonts first */

:root {
  /* load root first */

/* @extend rule is inserted at %placeholder position! */
.bdg, .button {
  color: red;

.bdg {
  background-color: blue;

.button {
  background-color: yellow;

Why is no compile error thrown? Is %generic-placeholder known to elements for instance?

Let's look at the explanation of the documentation again:

Extends are resolved after the rest of your stylesheet is compiled. In particular, it happens after parent selectors are resolved.

Because @extend updates style rules that contain the extended selector, their styles have precedence in the cascade based on where the extended selector’s style rules appear, not based on where the @extend appears.

The important part here I did not get first:

Extends are resolved after the rest of your stylesheet is compiled.

It looks like %generic-placeholder are known to elements without loading them explicit. This is possibly because the process takes place after the stylesheet is created, even if %placeholders are declared in @mixins.

I find it even more perplexing that there are tons of tutorials regarding the use of @extend vs @mixin and %placeholder, yet none that I have found even begin to address this magic process, nor is it mentioned in the SASS/SCSS documentation.

...styles have precedence in the cascade based on where the extended selector’s style rules appear...

Yes, this now applies.

Thanks to oscarotero for checking into my code, I hope the confusion is now complete, because in this blog post we learned how to not @use %placeholders in complex SASS/SCSS modules.