Hi 👋, I'm jrson!
I spent more time dealing with compiler settings, plugins, and development environment settings than actually programming. This is where the fun ends, this is where the passion and love begins.
Tech Stack for web development
Applications and tools
Blog Tech Stack
Packages/tools I used for developing my blog.
- Lume - A Static site generator for Deno
- Preact - Fast 3kB alternative to React with the same modern API
- TypeScript - JavaScript with syntax for types
- shrtcss - A lightweight SCSS/CSS framework (WIP)
- minireset.css - A tiny modern CSS reset that covers the basics
- Coldark - Modified version of Coldark Theme for Prism.js
- Deno - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
- Velociraptor - The script runner for Deno
- unified - Lets you inspect and transform content with plugins
- rehype-prism-plus - A rehype plugin to highlight code blocks
- rehype-prism-diff - A rehype plugin allow not only diff language
- rehype-code-titles - A rehype plugin for adding titles to blocks
- rehype-external-links - A rehype plugin to add rel to external links
- rehype-extract-toc - A rehype plugin to attache a TOC to the VFile
- rehype-extract-excerpt - A rehype plugin to attache a paragraph to the VFile
- remark-reading-time - A remark to estimate reading time from markdown
- Simple Icons - Free SVG icons for popular brands
- Icônes - Icon Explorer with instant searching
- Unicons - Pixel-perfect vector icons and Iconfont
Packages/tools I used for optimizing my blog.
- minify-html - A Rust HTML minifier
- PostCSS - A tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript
- PurgeCSS - A tool to remove unused CSS from your project
- clean-css - A fast and efficient CSS optimizer
- Terser - An industry-standard minifier for JavaScript code
- Brotli - A generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
- Lighthouse - An open-source tool for improving web apps